速報APP / 健康塑身 / Daily Companion

Daily Companion



檔案大小:196.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

Daily Companion(圖1)-速報App

The ultimate all-in-one healthcare and medical alert system in your hands!

Promote and Protect your Health…Anytime…Anywhere

v 1.0.1

* UI overhaul

* Bug fixes

Daily Companion’s patented, powerful system unites its suite of healthcare applications with a medical alert response system to help you in an emergency. With a touch of a button, Daily Companion’s emergency system enables you to communicate with our certified IAED-trained Companion Assistants who will evaluate your situation and get the proper help you need.

If emergency responders are dispatched, our Companion Assistant will confirm your location using the GPS tracking system and then forward your secure CHIP (personal health record) to the paramedics while they’re on their way to your crisis! It’s just one of the many lifesaving features Daily Companion has to offer.

Daily Companion’s suite of features include:

Daily Companion(圖2)-速報App

Call Center Access: Pushing the Call Center button activates the medical alert system that connects you to our multi-lingual Companion Assistants who will help you with your emergency. A unique feature of the Call Center is to automatically contact those individuals listed on your CHIP’s emergency contact list if a crisis occurs. It’s just one of the many special features provided by Daily Companion’s concierge service call center.

CHIP: The secure Critical Health Information Profile (your personal health record), designed by E.R. physicians and paramedics, enables these medical professionals to have first hand knowledge of your health condition. Now, with Daily Companion’s communication system, your health information can be in their hands before they arrive on the scene. To create your CHIP health record, go to our website: www.dailycompanion.com

Nurse on Call: Have a medical or health question? Simply push the Nurse on Call button and gain instant access to a registered Nurse 24/7.

Update: The Update button provides automatic access to your account where you can download the latest information for your CHIP and the Calendar-based healthcare reminder app.

Calendar Reminder: A key feature of the CHIP is the Calendar Reminder application designed to work with your phone. Create your daily, weekly, monthly or yearly events and upload them to your phone.

Passcode Access: For those who require a passcode to access their phone, Daily Companion created a unique way to allow emergency responders to unlock and access to your important lifesaving information. To learn more, go to: http://dailycompanion.com/iphone-unlock

GPS Tracking System: Daily Companion utilizes the latest technology Apple has to offer. The GPS tracking system, combined with our Call Center System, enables our Companion Assistants to ensure emergency responders are dispatched to the correct location.

Email Service: Daily Companion’s Call Center’s dynamic system enables Companion Assistants the ability to transmit, via email, your CHIP information to dispatched emergency responders on their way to your location. When seconds can determine life or death, this is a tremendous capability. The user can also forward their personal health record via the CHIP’s ‘send’ function to anyone they desire…anytime.

Daily Companion(圖3)-速報App

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
